


Wow... it's been far too long since any updates. But, the band is still alive (don't worry!). We are in the long, and sometimes slow, process of working on getting together a new line-up. So keep your eyes peeled for more info on this in the not too far away future.


It's been two months since any news have been posted on here, but that doesn't mean we're not busy working on things.
At the moment we are still in the process of working on new material and me (Sjoberg) and Enberg have at least 15 new songs recorded or on their way to be recorded. It's still demo recordings, but things sound 100% SPT. So, don't let the silence fool you into thinking the band is doing nothing!


There's a new review (in Swedish, but somewhat translated by Sjöberg) on the Mondo Satan review page here!


Rember that you can get our latest album as a digital release if you don't like the CD format. It's easily available from our label's bandcamp page located here:


We're still working on the webshop, but if you're interested in what we have for sale, contact us at for more info.

For older news, go to the "News Archive" (under "Home" in the menu).